Dedicated hosting is an extremely customizable solution recommended for large organizations. Unlike with shared cloud hosting, a dedicated hosting plan requires no sharing of the server because you lease an entire server and have complete control over it. True to its name, a dedicated hosting plan is completely devoted to your business’ applications, websites, and platforms.
Here is a simple, easy to understand scenario to demonstrate dedicated hosting:
Shared Hosting: Say you and your roommates bought a television for the living room, which you all pitched in to buy. Since you all pitched in to purchase the TV, you also have to split the use of the television because you are all part owners of it.
Dedicated Hosting: If you and your roommates each bought your own television, each of your TVs would be considered a dedicated television. Although the cost would be greater because you purchased it on your own, you are in control of the television and can use it how you like.
Dedicated hosting is ideal for companies with high volumes of traffic, creating the need for greater bandwidth and more space. A dedicated server can create a better user experience by decreasing the opportunity for downtime and increasing performance speed. With this type of hosting, your IT department has full control over the server performance and can adjust accordingly to meet the needs of your business.
When you lease a dedicated server from a reputable cloud hosting provider, your server is located in a secure data center, complete with redundant systems and guaranteed power. This means that your company does not need to put out the extra expense of investing in expensive hardware or infrastructure on your own.
Atlantic.Net offers dedicated server hosting plans for $64/month every month and no contract. We create custom Dedicated Server Packages that produce dizzying data transfer speeds and optimum server performance without the hassle of machine maintenance. We offer 10TB Transfer, 2GB RAM, 160GB HDD, and 100MBPS Uplink. Take a load off your mind by entrusting us with your dedicated server needs!